Tom Platz 500lb 227.5kg squat for 23 reps Tom Platz: was a lumberjack because he chopped and carved his tree trunk thighs into freakdom. On numerous occasions, he squatted for 10 minutes straight for more than 100 reps with 225 pounds.This might seem like hyperbole, if not the fact that Platz is seen in a video shot in 1992 squatting 495 pounds for 23 reps with his thighs going below parallel. He reports that while weighing less then 230 pounds, he squatted eight reps with 635 pounds and 52 reps with 350 pounds. He was legendary for his workout intensity. He was at his best nearly a quarter of a century ago he finished 3rd in the 1981 MR.O, but no one since has matched Tom Platz’s combination of conscious-altering size and cross-striated definition.